
#TechElevateHER is a collaborative endeavor between the esteemed Swedish female tech organization GeekGirl Meetup and TikTok.  

In 2024, we are offering a course in tech and entrepreneurship. This course is designed for those of you who want to immerse yourselves in the wonderful world of STEM and are seeking a chance to connect and learn from some of the most accomplished women within these fields. #TechElevateHer is a unique opportunity for you and only 39 others to travel, connect, and be inspired to take your interest in tech and entrepreneurship to new levels.
— Heidi Harman Founder of GeekGirlMeetup

About the course

In this unique course you will delve in the world of tech- and entrepreneurship. Together we will travel across the North and attend stand-alone training opportunities on various topics within tech and entrepreneurship. You will learn about career development and education pathways and gain a better understanding of the business opportunities the tech industry contains.

Through lectures, workshops and private mentor sessions led exclusively by some of the most accomplished females in STEM and entrepreneurship, you will be enriched with useful entrepreneurship skills such as how to think like entrepreneurs and how to communicate tech ideas clearly.

The course's interactive approach seamlessly integrates hard skills like programming with essential soft skills like effective business communication. It will be a unique networking opportunity where you can build strong connections across the tech community and make friends for life.

#TechElevateHer is a course for women, by women, with the purpose of emerging and connecting women of STEM in the North, and give you the opportunity to help each other move forward in the industry.

For whom?

Are you interested in tech and/or entrepreneurship?
Are you a citizen of Sweden, Finland, Norway or Denmark?
Are you between the ages of 18 and 25 y/o?
Do you define yourself as a woman?

If your answer is yes, yes, yes and… yes – apply for #TechElevateHer!
This course is a can’t-miss-opportunity designed just for you.

How, when and where…

#TechElevateHer is a real cosmopolitan course that will pop up in different locations in the North during four weekends in the Spring of 2024. It provides educational opportunities in each capital – Stockholm, Helsinki, Oslo, and Copenhagen. 

Your attendance will be either in-person or online based on your place of residence. The program also includes exclusive online mentor sessions with your selected mentor and online lectures that you can attend from the comfort of your home.